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Product & Services





Are you look­ing for a highly inspi­ra­tional and moti­va­tional men­tor and executive/business and life coach, capa­ble of trans­form­ing the most dormant/negative mind­set into a highly productive/positive and dynamic mind­set?


Then look no fur­ther, and wait no longer, this is for you!

This is an excel­lent and amaz­ing oppor­tu­nity to be men­tored and guided to iden­tify and accom­plish those dreams that you have been ignor­ing or pro­cras­ti­nat­ing for too long now, and ful­fil your max­i­mum poten­tial and life’s pur­pose by a highly inspir­ing & out­stand­ing 21st cen­tury Men­tor, Exec­u­tive coach and Role Model!


The men­tor­ing ses­sions are designed to meet your spe­cific needs and goals what­ever they may be… we guar­an­tee you we will work through this with you. This is also an excel­lent oppor­tu­nity for females want­ing to start up their own busi­nesses to be men­tored and guided by our very dynamic and charis­matic experts and experienced business/executive coach, vision­ary, leader, and entre­pre­neur at TPMM. This is an ongo­ing men­tor­ing pro­gram, so feel free to con­tact us at any time to enroll on a pro­gram or for more infor­ma­tion on this.


We pro­vide:

  • Face to Face mentoring

  • Tele­phone mentoring

  • Skype Men­tor­ing

  • E-mentoring








The Princess Maker Movement (TPMM) is a unique empowerment global net­work, and the first of its kind, with a global per­spec­tive and vision, to fos­ter and encour­age global empow­er­ment, lead­er­ship, and trans­for­ma­tion through the pro­vi­sion of a global plat­form for inter­na­tional collaboration/knowledge exchange, and invest­ment opportunities.


TPMM will host quar­terly national con­fer­ences, includ­ing an annual global con­ven­tion; pro­vid­ing mem­bers, vision­ar­ies, entre­pre­neurs, and busi­nesses with the unique oppor­tu­nity to con­nect, share good prac­tices, and promote/expand their vision and busi­nesses nation­ally and internationally.


It also pro­vides a per­fect plat­form and oppor­tu­nity to present the legacy of count­less inspi­ra­tional women, artists, pro­fes­sion­als, busi­nesses, groups, and organ­i­sa­tions to local, national and Inter­na­tional audi­ences; who will serv­e as national/international ambas­sadors, pos­i­tive role mod­els, and inspi­ra­tion to other emerg­ing lead­ers and under-privileged young girls, women, and fam­i­lies worldwide.



We are spe­cialised in the deliv­ery of very high qual­ity Cut­ting Edge Empow­er­ment pro­grams, avail­able as: one day work­shops, keynotes, mas­ter classes, and 4 weeks inten­sive empow­er­ment pro­grams. We also pro­vide bespoke empow­er­ment pro­grams to suit your spe­cific needs and goals.

Our three main empow­er­ment mod­ules include:

  • Unveil­ing Your Authen­tic Iden­tify Unique­ness & Max­i­mum Potential:

    This is an inten­sive, chal­leng­ing, and highly empow­er­ing pro­gram that empow­ers you to iden­tify and unleash your authen­tic iden­tity, unique­ness, and untapped potentials


  • Devel­op­ing Invin­ci­ble Con­fi­dence & Motivation:

    This is another very inten­sive, dynamic & highly moti­va­tional pro­gram that empow­ers and equips you with inno­v­a­tive tools and resources to develop and enhance your self-esteem, self-image and self-confidence, and pro­foundly moti­vates you to take bold steps and actions to max­i­mize and accom­plish your dreams and full potential.

  • Mas­ter­ing The Arts of Thriv­ing Com­mu­ni­ca­tion & Rela­tion­ships:

    This is an inten­sive, dynamic, and thought pro­vok­ing pro­gram, designed to empower and equip you with inno­v­a­tive tools and resources to enhance and max­i­mize your cur­rent social and communication/problem solv­ing skills, and enable you develop and main­tain opti­mal and thriv­ing rela­tion­ships at all times. You will also acquire the mas­ter skills of pub­lic speak­ing, effec­tive nego­ti­a­tion, employ­a­bil­ity and entre­pre­neur­ial skills.


Every­thing rises and falls with lead­er­ship. For this rea­son we have spe­cialised on deliv­er­ing Rev­o­lu­tion­ary Lead­er­ship Pro­grams that awak­ens the leadership

Sprit and power within you, and enable you rise to lead­er­ship roles. We also deliver bespoke pro­grams to suit your needs and demands.

 Our three main Lead­er­ship mod­ules include:

  • The Power of Vision, Mis­sion and Pur­pose

    This is a highly self-motivated and chal­leng­ing Lead­er­ship Empow­er­ment suit­able for emerg­ing lead­ers, those in posi­tions and roles of respon­si­bil­ity, employ­ment, and self-employment. This core mod­ule is designed to cre­ate lead­er­ship aware­ness, and enable you unleash and develop a clear mis­sion, vision, and domain of leadership/ life purpose.

  • The Power of Trans­for­ma­tional Lead­er­ship

    This is a very vibrant, chal­leng­ing, and thought pro­vok­ing Lead­er­ship Empow­er­ment designed to trans­form fol­low­ers into lead­ers and equip and pre­pare lead­ers for Global Influ­ence, Lead­er­ship, and Transformation.


    • Strate­gic Plan­ning, Rela­tions & Con­flict Man­age­ment

      This is an inno­v­a­tive and dynamic, thought pro­vok­ing pro­gram con­sist­ing of work­shops, designed to enable you develop, enhance, and imple­ment effec­tive think­ing, planning/communication strate­gies and cul­ti­vate healthy and thriv­ing rela­tion­ships. The ses­sions will facil­i­tate inter­cul­tural under­stand­ing global influ­ence, impact, and transformation.

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