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About The Founder







Quetell Duncombe, is an visionary leader in Women empowerment revolution.


An activist for child abuse and violence against women!


With a blend of feminine style, life skills and business know-how, she has a awesome balance between business and personal success.


She is a charis­matic and highly inno­v­a­tive 21st Cen­tury female inspi­ra­tional and moti­va­tional thinker, speaker, and writer, with a com­pelling vision and pas­sion to impact and pos­i­tively trans­form lives and com­mu­ni­ties through com­mu­ni­ca­tion, edu­ca­tion, empow­er­ment and enter­pris­ing. She is a very pos­i­tive and dynamic indi­vid­ual, who derives extreme sat­is­fac­tion in moti­vat­ing and inspir­ing oth­ers to blos­som in their max­i­mum poten­tial and excel into posi­tions of lead­er­ship and finan­cial independence. 


As an Evangelist, leader, entre­pre­neur, wife, and mother, she has been able to reach out with great ease and empa­thy to many in var­i­ous spheres of life, and con­tin­ues to inspire and have a tremen­dous impact in their lives. Her life is a true tes­ti­mo­nial of her author­ity and lead­er­ship, por­tray­ing her pos­i­tive role model to many.


As a result of her resilient and never giving up approach to everything in life, in addition to believing that WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE IF, YOU BELIEVE! This is what fuels her in spite of her childhood trauma of being near to death's door, being a victim to sexual abuse and witness of domestic violence.


"I lived in fear, shame and frustration for most of my life. Never feeling like I was enough or good enough for anything, a failure; until I was able to convince myself from the word of God that All things are possible if I believe and that truly I AM ENOUGH! Addition to the practical steps and exercises I took to transformed my mind and began turning my fear to faith, my mess into a message, my wounds to wisdom, my test to testimonies, struggles to strength and my pain to purpose."


"I am passionate about my clients and their thoughts and behaviors of remaining trapped in a life of pain, shame and guilt."


"Through my own journey of recovery from sexual abuse, I am on a global mission to conquer the stigma of child sexual abuse, and create global communities of women of sexual abuse declaring "I AM A SURVIVOR!"


She is widely known for her infectious smile, pos­i­tive, tena­cious, lov­ing, gen­tle, kind, inspir­ing and com­pas­sion­ate per­son­al­ity, straight forwardness and will­ing­ness to lis­ten in a non judg­men­tal man­ner and bring out the best in others.


She is on a global mission to empower others to UNMASK Sexual abuse & VOICE your silence to save the next generation.


For this reason she is passionate about her calling to assist women and others around her to conquer any fear especially associated with overcoming sexual abuse, obstacles, frustration and defeat the "victim" syndrome creating a life without hidden shame, self sabotage and mediocrity in order to live the life they deserve. 


Those that are coach and mentored by her are transformed as they discover a unique process with purpose, charity, and focus while enjoying a balanced vibrantly renewed financially and spiritually rich life.


"Don't just survive, It's time to live life with purpose on purpose!" Coach QLD








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